There are four key applications where URETEK Deep Injection® (UDI) provides a significant advantage over more traditional methods in solving complex pavement lifting and soil densification problems:
1. Void Filling
When weather conditions produce rain, snow, or severe temperature shifts, expanses such as fissures and water pockets can be created that in turn form voids just below the pavement surface. These voids can result in settlement, potholes, sink holes or cracking that in turn, can destabilize pavements.
UDI is very effective in addressing these types of voids. The expansive, hydrophobic polymer material used for UDI drives out any standing water and aggressively fills voids. This also densifies the soil and prevents the expansion and formation of new voids in the future.
2. Stabilization
By undersealing and void filling, UDI stabilizes roadways and prevents pumping or further differential settlement of these assets. UDI effectively fills, compacts and stabilizes the base soils beneath pavements and seals the area from any further water intrusion that could contribute to degradation. It is the only process that combines the benefits of sealing, stabilizing, and asset protection with rapid curing time; this allows the project area to be quickly repaired and returned to service.
3. Lifting
UDI quickly and economically densifies, lifts and realigns both concrete and asphalt roadways. The expansive, hydrophobic properties of the URETEK 486 Star® polymer ensures that settlement problems are properly corrected. Since the material is injected in layers, the amount of lifting can be controlled to within one tenth of an inch, which assures accurate lifting profiles.
4. Sealing
Sealing joints and cracks from water leakage and seepage is one of the most important and frequently recurring problems facing many roadway surfaces. If left unattended, leaking joints and cracks can grow, further damaging the pavement and compounding void and settlement problems. To underseal pavements in these environments, our polymer material is strategically injected in a uniform grid pattern just below the surface. As the material is injected, it begins to expand, seeking out and filling sub-surface cracks, leaks, voids and joints, providing a strong, stable and long-lasting seal that resists further water intrusion.
URETEK 486 Star® Polymer
URETEK 486 Star® is a two-component, high-density, expanding thermoset polyurethane system that is environmentally inert and completely non-toxic. These properties make it the ideal choice for environmentally friendly soil stabilization and pavement lifting projects. Best of all, it’s industry-leading hydrophobic properties resist the underground water erosion that leads to most settlement issues in the first place.
URETEK developed its polymer to be the ideal solution for under-sealing, filling voids, lifting settled pavement, stabilizing and stiffening weak soils, and for encapsulating and sealing buried infrastructure.
Trusted Vendor for UDI Repair and Maintenance Projects
For over 30 years, URETEK has been a trusted, reliable partner for federal, state, and local officials, commercial enterprises, and private property owners tasked with maintaining and repairing pavement systems, concrete foundations, and valuable buried infrastructure. With its rapid response and experienced crews, URETEK is the vendor most prepared to complete emergency repair and standard maintenance tasks on time and on-budget.
Contact URETEK today to learn more about our industry-first and industry-leading UDI application. Also, see our case studies to read about how UDI has been successfully applied across the country, as part of large and small projects, wherever erosion, settlement, and other types of underground havoc have occurred.